The Reimagine Education Nurturing Employability Award will be awarded to the project that can clearly demonstrate a link between their project’s approach and improved employability outcomes. What traits and/or skills do you find employers to be lacking in their hires, and how does your project help its users to enhance these traits and/or skills? Can your project help employers to better identify the traits and/or skills they desire in their graduate student hires?
Past Winner Nurturing Employability Award: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

Project: The Incubation Cells
Incubation Cells nurture employability by teaching entrepreneurial skills and by unlocking the economic potential of doctoral research through creating tech start-ups. The results include 39 doctoral students with self-employment experience, over 30 undergraduate students involved in entrepreneurship, over 60 jobs created, and more than US$3 million invested in start-ups.
Past Winner Nurturing Employability Award: University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Project: X-Culture: The International Business Collaboration Project
USA X-Culture is a partnership of about 300 Business professors from over 40 countries. Students are placed in international teams and work on projects during a semester. Dealing with numerous international collaboration challenges, participants apply knowledge gained on International Business courses. Over 4,000 students from 120 universities participate every semester.
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Project: Business Competencies Analytics
This mobile peer feedback app allows contextualized, continuous formative peer assessment of transversal competencies based on near to real time on-the-job performance. The app supports informal social learning – critical in today’s workplace. It ensures that feedback is always event based; for example, it can be based on a meeting or presentation.
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Project: The Google Online Marketing Challenge
The Google Online Marketing Challenge, the largest student marketing competition worldwide, develops the digital marketing skills of global students through working with real clients using Google AdWords. Since 2008, over 135,000 students from almost 100 countries have developed their digital marketing skillset and enhanced their employability through the Challenge.
Spoken Tutorial is a ten-minute audio-visual tutorial, created using Screencast methodology. It is designed to teach many aspects of an information technology course, such as computer programming, simulation, office productivity suite, graphics and animation software, etc. It is recorded using a script designed for beginners, thereby making it suitable for self-teaching. The spoken part is dubbed into all of the 22 official languages of India, thereby making it accessible to students who may not have English as a primary language. Keeping the video part of the tutorial in English helps retain employment opportunities, as students also enhance their English-language capabilities. We have created an application that helps create an offline version of the learning environment, which in turn allows our product benefi ts to reach those without Internet access. All the spoken tutorials are released under Creative Commons CC BY SA licensing. The self-learning capability allows us to conduct workshops through volunteers. These factors have helped us train a large number of students absolutely free of cost on many useful IT topics. We have trained close to 850,000 students in the past four years through the Spoken Tutorial methodology. The visits to our webpage are doubling every year.